She Asked..., originally uploaded by johnny mobasher.She asked, she "told" me to wait....wait & I will be there...dont leave, I must see you...I must tell you...I need to tell you & you need to know she said & then she hung up...It was 5 minutes past midnight... it was -18C & getting colder. I …
Lewis Mendez
Lewis Mendez 1, originally uploaded by johnny mobasher.Lewis Mendez: He's been taking Street portraits with a Speed Graphic since 67 and now with a polaroid Back & Metz. Whilst I was with him, a young man in his 20's passing us by asked Lewis if we wanted to sell his camera. Lewis asked the boy: How Much U Got!! 11 …
IMG_2000, originally uploaded by johnny mobasher.4 months after the first time I met him on Carlton, I saw him again on Queen St you remember me I asked?? Oh yeah....But I'm not sure if he really did.... Whats happened to your leg I asked!? Oh man...I've been through a lot......... …
The Man on Yonge….
IMG_2008, originally uploaded by johnny mobasher.The Devil's Look..... How would you like to take this man home to meet your mum!!?? …
Living On The Margin
Last week, in the latest issue of the British Journal Of Photography I read that the Times Magazine has set a new £100 record FEE ( I think that's what they called it) for image processing paid to photographers. This has given me a great excuse to write to TESCO. you might have heard in the news recently, that TESCO …
Image Democracy
A slightly edited version of this was published in the BJP on 16.5.07 :Letters: Oh this new-fangled terminology!I'm feeling somewhat inferior, and so do a few other photographer friends! We feel that perhaps we are not intelligent or intellectual enough to participate in the current and now global issue of 'image …
TV Licence
I was so Gutted to hear that the TV licence went up this week!!! really upset!!! not because I objected to the rise, but because I couldn't enjoy participating in rise of yet another living expense! you see, I threw my TV away about 7 years ago & have lived without one since. So when i heard that the Fees had gone …