This PhotoBlog is my personal and impersonal pages but mostly about “Street Photography” and related issues.
“Street Photography” once upon a time!
Many decades ago, (in fact not so long ago) when I was around 14 years old, I asked my father for a Camera. I wanted a Fancy Camera. My father bought me a Lubitel. What is this? I Asked! He said: When you’ve learnt how to take a descent picture WITH THIS, then, you can ask for a different camera! So I bought a couple fo rolls of 120 films, teh inside of which , printed , were some diagrams with shutter speed & exposure guidances! Anyone remember them? The sun shining F8 @ 125, The sun peeping from behind the cloud, F5.6 @ 60 and so on.
3 years later, I went to see my uncle whom I knew was in business, but didn’t know that one of his agencies was a main importer/dealership for Nikon & Olympus! So I bought an Olympus OM1 md with a 50mm f1.4 lens! Happy Days.
I had no idea about a genre called “Street Photography” I didn’t know any photographers except my dad taking family photos But i used to stop by at newsagent windows & look at the front cover of magazine like, News Week, TIME, LIFE etc etc , The Vietnam war photography as inspirational! I went on for years just shooting with one body and one lens. I still have the camera in full working order.
Nowadays, we shoot on mobile phones and change cameras as often as our underpants.
Very early on in the “Domain Era” I registered streetphotography.co.uk and after about 7 years of chasing and chasing, I eventually managed to also acquire The Bigger Brother , the .COM which I hope to be a The Source of Inspiration, Exposure & Education from and by the BEST in The Genre.
The “Street Photography” That I knew it,
Digital Photography & The internet , especially the birth of photography & social platforms hand in hand with poorer judgement, has diluted & changed the standards of Street Photography. The Good thing is that now many many people take pictures on the streets, but only a handful of them are any good. Subjective? Yes I know but Not any & every snap on the street , is Street Photography.
Thanks For The Visit………
On a Non Personal Note, I wish everyone much success and achievements along the way BUT remember, whatever you do, you might get to be rich and/or famous, Mind THAT step along the way & don’t become an asshole too!