How can anyone re-think "Street Photography" ? well, I have been looking at so many "Street Photography" and So Called "Street Photography" images both through my Flickr group and also in preparation and research for my new .COM launch in a few weeks time that I have come to a realisation of what exists! FIRST, …
I really Dont have Much to say about this image! All I CAN in the image. …
And Remember, The X-mas “Spirit” is NOT, What You Drink! “Street Photography”
Merry Christmas Everyone. …
And Remember, The X-mas “Spirit” is NOT, What You Drink! “Street Photography”Read More
Teach Them Young Right!!? Street Photography Tokyo
Teach Them Young!! Street Photography I saw this boy playing with a Colt45 on the Streets of Tokyo. Now that I think about it, here in the west, you see less and less young boys playingwith Guns!! Has it changed in the Far east or the Middle East! I think, or rather, I sence that We don't and avoid teaching boys …
Watching the World Go by AND around!
Watching the World Go By & Around! "Street Photography" I was in Starbucks, On a winter's Night, upstairs, Watching these girls, watching the Wheel watching the world go round and round! & thats the end of the Story! …