How can anyone re-think “Street Photography” ? well, I have been looking at so many “Street Photography” and So Called “Street Photography” images both through my Flickr group and also in preparation and research for my new .COM launch in a few weeks time that I have come to a realisation of what exists!
FIRST, We have what I know as true “Street Photography” in its essence. a Frame shot generally on the street. this frame will have a narrative, a scenario, a story, a social contrast, irony or juxtaposition. This frame will contain humour or tragedy, a question, an uncertainly about what has just happened or what is about to happen next! it would have been taken on an intake of breath! it even might have changed its narrative as the index finger was about to press the shutter button. it certainly would have captured a fraction that a millisecond later, the person next to you or even yourself could have taken it again! Thats “Street Photography” in it essence in my view. And forget about the Rules of Composition that some people go on and on about! it either happens or it doesn’t. I for one, Try this.
The SECOND and ever more popular and evolving type of “Street Photography” is NOT “Street Photography” But what I now COIN as “Street [ART} Photography” . Let me be very clear: I Do Not Mean; “Street Art” Photography” ! I mean “Street…….Art Photography”. Street Art is Graffiti, street art installations, street sculptures and alike. Street “Art Photography” or rather “Street Art-Photography” are in my new, the NEW AGE version. Artistic pictures that we see these days. Playful and occasionally Beautifully composed pictures of shadows, constasts, silhouettes of men in hats, highlights agains saturated background colours, black and white light and darks extended to Only Black & Whites and no greys, a peeping human part through darkness, and in general, No Real Narrative as described above but Beautiful To Look at. Its the easier take than the First Type!! you could even have it on a wall and enjoy it and nothing wrong with that! BUT thats isn’t “Street Photography” as I know it. it is “Street Art-Photography” thats right. I for one, Try this.
& Lastly, The Third type of “Street Photography” is the ever more popular, ever more increasing, evener more wishful thinking type; The “Pointless Candid” This type of Photography happen to be shot on the Streets but its Just Pointless. Its Bland. Could have been shot by a tripod, Has no narrative, has no proximity unless taken by a long lens which is of course a different story, has no emphasis and looks like the next shot by the person standing behind you a few seconds ago & a few seconds later. There are millions and millions of them. Good Luck I say. Some clever people are making living out of it by having workshops and greatly ranking websites but it’s Pointless Candid & there we have it……. I for one, Dislike this…immensely.