Street Memorial
The Boston Bombing Street Memorial. Rest in Peace. And the sign on the Arlington Street Church reads: In Solidarity & In Love …
A demonstration on court street near the Gov Centre in Boston MA tonight following the news of racism messages at a school in MA tonight , Amen, I say …
& You Think I Give a Good God Damn!!
Street Photography …
Thank God I don’t sound like that!
I took a table at 8am in the Hotel's Restaurant and ordered breakfast. Poached Eggs, Bacon, Toast, Orange Juice, Coffee. My waiterss, Betty, readily brought the drinks. I was surrounded by other tables, occupied by business men & woman, all Suited up all in early morning meetings already!! All I could hear …
Today was the Boston, MA, USA, Marathon. Even the ones who finished last, are champions of sport. Johnny Mobasher Street Photography …
Fido and Groucho Marx “Street Photography”
A few days ago, We went to Borders on Boylston Street, Boston to buy a magazine and as I waited for my friends by the exit doors, I said HELLO to Fido, standing there all by himself. A few minutes later, his owner arrived with a couple of books, a cup of coffee, untied Fido and sat in an arm chair …