From the creators of the famous HardPunk Ear Busters, introducing the new Hard Core Triple Quadrophonic Mind Blasters with integrated external blood oxygenating Transfusion pipe system for that real ambient resonating mind altering sound. …
To where will all this Pressure end? #CostOfLiving
The #Public gets Screwed either way!
This Graph (and the article ) was published in the Sunday Times, the Source: The Energy Shop . Com It demonstrates that even at the lowest wholesale price points in 2009 & and 2010 how the members of the public were charges the highest fuel prices!! Bearing in mind that we have been and are in some global …
War Is A Racket! Street Photography is NOT!
War Is A Racket, Street Photography, I happened to be in Boston MA, USA on Veteran Day. The Veterans Parade Was followed by the Anti War Parade. VETERANS FOR PEACE. a Little Tiny Tiny detail in their pamphlet talks about the USA National Debt is: USA National Debt is approx 13 Trillion Dollars, The Interest alone on …
Is This Street Photography ?
Forever Young!? Street Photography
So, what is this supposed to be!!?? juice, Forever Young! Having and being just involved in a legal case in USA, I just cant help but think: Would I have a legal case if I drunk think this juice for 12 years and DID AGE? I like the image and the Billboard though! Forever Young! …
Throw your TV away!
In 2000 I walked away from where I used to live, and left the TV ( in a rage ) behind. We now haven't had a TV for 10 years!! Aside and in addition to giving up smoking ( though I love a fine cigar once in a while) it was one of the best things I had ever done. I now flick through channels when in hotel rooms on my …
TV Licence
I was so Gutted to hear that the TV licence went up this week!!! really upset!!! not because I objected to the rise, but because I couldn't enjoy participating in rise of yet another living expense! you see, I threw my TV away about 7 years ago & have lived without one since. So when i heard that the Fees had gone …