Am I dreaming or is Banal cool!!! when did this happen?? has Banal Always been cool??? is Banal a concept??? If you don’t “get” Banal, then you’re definitely not cool!!! Do you want to be cool??? Do you want to be Banal??? I love Banal!!! I like it on toast in the morning!!! & I like to study Banal!!! Its cool to study Banal!!! I like elongated discussions about Banal!!! food for the soul!!! I went out with “Banal” in mind & this is the best I could do!!! I hope its cool. Banal is cool, cool is anti, anti is saleable,salable is money,money is bankable,bankable is spendable,spendable is cool,cool is Banal!!! Oh dear. anyhow, I hope to win a prize with this picture, then I get some money, money is bankable……………

Banal is fashionable. It’s a safe choice for dull people in an insecure world. It’s kept insecure as happy people don’t shop.People sit, minds in neutral, suckling at the cathode ray nipple. Listening to the non-threatening music of {insert as appropriate} boy or girl band. Safe and unchallenged they take comfort that banal is the new blank.
I love the ….Banal is the new Blank!!! nice one.Rather profound I say!
Well I didn’t want to be banal… You might shout at me. ;o)