...& Gradually, Marshall came into focus and said: Most people are out for no more that 11 minutes! Where the hell have you been for 2.5 Hours!? To The last, Smallest Massive corner of my mind, I said. …
After driving around to nowhere in particular as a destination, I questioned: Did I really need a car to find where I'm looking for!!? Luckily my Tequila bottle didn't break! …
War Is A Racket! Street Photography is NOT!
War Is A Racket, Street Photography, I happened to be in Boston MA, USA on Veteran Day. The Veterans Parade Was followed by the Anti War Parade. VETERANS FOR PEACE. a Little Tiny Tiny detail in their pamphlet talks about the USA National Debt is: USA National Debt is approx 13 Trillion Dollars, The Interest alone on …
Veteran’s Day Street Photography
I was in Boston, MA recently and had to kill a few hours before my flight back home. I actually dislike immensely to use the term "KILL" for passing time as Time "IS" precious! (I also Hate to use the word Hate) Unless you absolutely have to! I realized that It was the Veterans Day, so armed and loaded with …