What a Month, Riots, Budget Cuts, Health Insurance Policies, Tuition Fee increases, eminent Tax increases, Pump price Jack-Ups by the Oil Companies, Budget deficits, Economy Rescue Packages, unemployment rise, Record Breaking Banking profits, Inflation higher than anticipated, Swine Flu return news, Rocky Politics in the Middle east again, Explosions in Sweden and Wiki News, etc etc etc…. All, Politics and more Politics! sounds all negative doesn’t it! I hate that! I recall a message from Frank Zappa addressing all the people who think they are Cute and smarter than the rest: There are more of us ugly mother fuckers than you are! I also recall the Chiefs Last words: Only when man had caught the last fish, poisoned the last river and cut the last tree, will we realize we can not eat money! Me, I guess also guilty in some ways! So, here is my still life contribution to all the Smart Asses in the Universe! Time for some Pepto Bismol!