The Street Portrait Of The Dog And His Man! …
If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be
The Present Day Portrait of Friendliness And Fait on Cooper Square, NYC. :: :: Cost: Declining The First Request of " Give Me Your Fucking Money " And Loosing My Wallet in a Store 15 Minutes Later!! :: :: Reward: Finding My Wallet An Hour Later in A Panic & Returning to Cooper Square to Be Told " It Fucking Serves …
From #Che #guevara series! did he ever think he’d end up on #Tobacco boxes!!?? #Revolution
& So today I see another one.... a New one! the image of Che Guevara on a Tobacco Box! I have seen it on all sorts of places. Matches, T shirts ( lots of those), bags, lighters, hats, games you name it.... always a source of curiosity when I see it! Again, I asked if the man who owned the box knew, who and what Che …
From #Che #guevara series! did he ever think he’d end up on #Tobacco boxes!!?? #RevolutionRead More
I always thought I should have been a beach bum!
Yes, Its my reflection in the Glass and I'm not sure if he is just surprised someone taking his picture or posing! either way, he didnt chase me!! …
Is This an Invitation?!
How often do you see this? Its like... Helllllooo!!! I'm out in a store walking the aisle and there is this guy who has just bent over right in front of me, ostensibly looking or rummaging through a box of who knows what, displaying the crack of his BUM ( AKA Builders Bum in England!) and I think: Is this Guy Serious! …
And Remember, The X-mas “Spirit” is NOT, What You Drink! “Street Photography”
Merry Christmas Everyone. …
And Remember, The X-mas “Spirit” is NOT, What You Drink! “Street Photography”Read More
Now This is what I call a Good Education! “Street Photography”
Now this is what I call Good early education, Cell Phone & Starbucks before the age of 5! The only thing missing is a can of Coke! Time for my Pepto-Bismol.......... & also, guilty as charged! …
Now This is what I call a Good Education! “Street Photography”Read More
Teach Them Young Right!!? Street Photography Tokyo
Teach Them Young!! Street Photography I saw this boy playing with a Colt45 on the Streets of Tokyo. Now that I think about it, here in the west, you see less and less young boys playingwith Guns!! Has it changed in the Far east or the Middle East! I think, or rather, I sence that We don't and avoid teaching boys …
Watching the World Go by AND around!
Watching the World Go By & Around! "Street Photography" I was in Starbucks, On a winter's Night, upstairs, Watching these girls, watching the Wheel watching the world go round and round! & thats the end of the Story! …