Back in 2013, It Was Obvious To Everyone, That Newly Formed Upper Middle Right Of The Under Left Over Centre Transgender RepubloCrats Political Party AKA "The Pink Martinis" Would Eventually Bring Equilibrium To The World Economy With Their Politically Motivated Sing Along Line Dancing Songs!!! :: :: I For One, Was …
My latest business venture is printing money. It's great fun. Last night, I was merrily doing my groceries and singing...... New car, caviar, four star daydream, Think I'll buy me a football team.... & when I handed my Money over to pay for my groceries, the Lady gave me a strange look & called the security!!! …
Goodbye Party
Kiss Me
She pulled up like thunder.... Kicked the door open and said.... At last....Hop in....!! Is this another Tequila ride? Hell no, she said, Just a cruise, you've been away for too long.... The Last time we went for a cruise, we both woke up in a hospital, I said!! She leant forward and replied: well.... Maybe this …
Changing Room
We go through life, meandering through preferences and priorities.... Sometimes diluted by confusion and delusions.... Similar to being in a changing room!!! Johnny Mobasher Street Photography …
Red Roses
A Gift For, the grief stricken heartless. The ostensibly awake who remains unconscious. The frozen hearted soul who refuses to be prayed for. The Russian roulette player with a gun loaded with delusions of righteousness. The life consuming rage monger. The memories that kept you awake but must now fade to …
Money, is never the price
I once did him a favour which he never ever forgot... So we became indebted to one another. He came to see me a while back on W 44th St. It was freezing. Cohiba as usual and we talked some details.... We always think of you he said.... And as usual he ended by saying: If it's straight in your head... Then make the …
Love for Sale
The dreamy moon face smiley, was no more than a con merchants tale of a fairy!! Street Photography …
Yesterday of Everyday
Another hotel room... Sat on the edge of the bed with a Low-Fi low volume Short Wave station by the phone... 4 days later a knock on the door and the voice said... Dude.... Checkout was yesterday.... …
After several hundred years of contemplation, I came to the conclusion that it'd be best to go back and live as a ghost!!! …