For Let Not a Gap to Morph into a Hole in The Heart... & There but for the Grace of God Go I ... Street Photography …
Lost & Found
When Devil stole The Preacher's tongue, The Preacher stole the Innocent's Soul and The Soulless, was Lost, and Lost was Found, and Found tied The Devil's Tongue... Street Photography …
Another Flight
& What have I done today…
Merry Go Round
The Sky broke & I fell up. . I stood & everything was upside down. . I woke up & I then dreamt. . I dreamt & there it was! Johnny Mobasher …
& Marshall said, I've never ever known where I was heading to, or how I got where I was, but all I've ever known is where I've been & never wanted to loose my way, though I felt lost leaving behind the illusions that came my way, pondering if It was Chaos or Fate!!! Marshall, I said: . . For the Son of Man came …
In a consciousness, Time, distance and proximity is becoming an abstract reality that in fact, it so Verily is. Not a foolish sensation but a glorious intimacy. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31 ESV) Street Photography …
St. Mary Magdalene
If you don't want to, then don't have to. If you think you should, then you might. If you feel you ought to, then you must. If you feel you must, then you have to. If you need to, then You're going to. If you feel you're forced to, then trust the Lord. BUT if you CAN, Just forget about the whole damn thing!! …
The Curves
& I marvelled at her curvaceous body which was just electric to feel. Smooth lines. Feels not too small, not too large but large enough. Firm. Vintage. Chic. Highly desirable. fast when it's needed and slow with grace. Care for her & you will be cared for. Adored & loved by many, but exclusive to one. A …