Street Photography …
Welcome back! Where is this? Your mind. Where exactly? Section 9, level one one nine, 7th Dimension, Exit Gate. What year? No more years. Where to next ? The Living Brothel. The Living Brothel? That's the Only path. Why? But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. (James 1:14) Anyone …
If you have a crash, might as well have it in a Cadillac…
I drove a peacock leisurely cruise towards a mirage of an oasis in the was a massive crash....Opened my eyes to a heap fluctuating in between sub-Zero and boiling point..... In slow motion.... & my passenger.... Uriah Heep.... …
If you have a crash, might as well have it in a Cadillac…Read More
#Lettuce , The Last thing NOT made in #China
To where will all this Pressure end? #CostOfLiving
The #Public gets Screwed either way!
This Graph (and the article ) was published in the Sunday Times, the Source: The Energy Shop . Com It demonstrates that even at the lowest wholesale price points in 2009 & and 2010 how the members of the public were charges the highest fuel prices!! Bearing in mind that we have been and are in some global …
Yes! Monkey Business!
I just saw this image in a photography magazine. Let me firstly say that this is not my image. The image is taken by a photographer called Nick Simpson and it's an advert for a March 2011, photography exhibition called Focus on Imaging. The strap line reads that we (referring to humans and monkeys), share 98.5% of our …
My Best Wishes to all my friends for 2011
Once in a while, a self portrait pins you to a point in time! Happy new year! …
Teach Them Young Right!!? Street Photography Tokyo
Teach Them Young!! Street Photography I saw this boy playing with a Colt45 on the Streets of Tokyo. Now that I think about it, here in the west, you see less and less young boys playingwith Guns!! Has it changed in the Far east or the Middle East! I think, or rather, I sence that We don't and avoid teaching boys …
War Is A Racket! Street Photography is NOT!
War Is A Racket, Street Photography, I happened to be in Boston MA, USA on Veteran Day. The Veterans Parade Was followed by the Anti War Parade. VETERANS FOR PEACE. a Little Tiny Tiny detail in their pamphlet talks about the USA National Debt is: USA National Debt is approx 13 Trillion Dollars, The Interest alone on …