Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. (Ephesians 6:10 ESV) …
On a rainy night, The Oracle said, it's the wrong match!!! I was convinced 100% she was wrong. So I made the journey.... Stood there knocking on the door, springs, summers, autumns & winters.... For 12 years. I was convinced. Eventually.... The door opened & I..... Had the wrong house!!!... The Oracle..... Was …
Sometimes the Ghosts are more Real than the real people on the streets! …
Nice Ass in China Town…
Is he Really James Bond? 007?!!
Well... Here is another on in my Louis Vuitton Rant Series! It's not actually a Rant at Luis Vuitton but at Mr. Bond! I mean, again, I understand and can get with the Brand Association Correlation but come one! Does anyone really rushes out or indeed is influenced to buy some Luis Vuitton by seeing Mr. Sean Connery …
Is This an Invitation?!
How often do you see this? Its like... Helllllooo!!! I'm out in a store walking the aisle and there is this guy who has just bent over right in front of me, ostensibly looking or rummaging through a box of who knows what, displaying the crack of his BUM ( AKA Builders Bum in England!) and I think: Is this Guy Serious! …
My Best Wishes to all my friends for 2011
Once in a while, a self portrait pins you to a point in time! Happy new year! …
And Remember, The X-mas “Spirit” is NOT, What You Drink! “Street Photography”
Merry Christmas Everyone. …
And Remember, The X-mas “Spirit” is NOT, What You Drink! “Street Photography”Read More
Teach Them Young Right!!? Street Photography Tokyo
Teach Them Young!! Street Photography I saw this boy playing with a Colt45 on the Streets of Tokyo. Now that I think about it, here in the west, you see less and less young boys playingwith Guns!! Has it changed in the Far east or the Middle East! I think, or rather, I sence that We don't and avoid teaching boys …
She Took me to the Roof Top…. Street Photography
After a while, she took me to the roof top and asked: You Wanna go for a fly? Sure, I said! and before you know it, we were up and around. it reminded me of 5th Element! Blade Runner! She is a great pilot, I thought to myself.... & Always amazing. She looked at me and said: I'm glad you came to town...great to see …