I recently wrote to the BJP. below is the edited version of my letter published in the BJP last issue 25.7.07….Aug 1st 2007:
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I read with somewhat raised eyebrows and half open mouth, but not totally shocked, the comment by Simon Bainbridge, Living on the margin (BJP, 11 July), explaining the new guidelines from The Times Magazine setting a maximum rate of £100 for digital processing.
This gives me a great excuse to now write to Tesco which is offering to sell houses, or at least, offering advertising billboards for sellers for as little as £50, causing great concern to estate agents. For the £100 digital processing fee offered by The Times, Tesco could also enter the photographic market, by arming night shift shelf stackers with compact cameras and a little Photoshop training. They could maybe even make a deal with The Times Magazine to do processing for £49.99 rather than £100!
We won’t make a living at £100, so why be greedy?
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I read with somewhat raised eyebrows and half open mouth, but not totally shocked, the comment by Simon Bainbridge, Living on the margin (BJP, 11 July), explaining the new guidelines from The Times Magazine setting a maximum rate of £100 for digital processing.
This gives me a great excuse to now write to Tesco which is offering to sell houses, or at least, offering advertising billboards for sellers for as little as £50, causing great concern to estate agents. For the £100 digital processing fee offered by The Times, Tesco could also enter the photographic market, by arming night shift shelf stackers with compact cameras and a little Photoshop training. They could maybe even make a deal with The Times Magazine to do processing for £49.99 rather than £100!
We won’t make a living at £100, so why be greedy?